About Us

BWPPS is an extra-ordinary example of the Rainbow nation of South Africa. We have children of all races, cultures and religions. Tolerance, respect, love and humanity to others is the foundation of our school. BWPPS is an extension of the home environment. BWPPS abides by educational tenets and principles without compromising the need that children of this age have for a warm and secure atmosphere at all times. BWPPS provides a nurturing and positively stimulating environment to ensure that each child reaches their maximum potential. All staff are committed to each child in achieving the outcomes of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS).


The aim of pre-primary education is to foster the all-round development of the young child. This includes:

  • the development of a sense of identity
  • the development of a balanced personality
  • the development of a strong, healthy body
  • the development of a set of values
  • the inculcation of social and cultural norms
  • the development of intellectual potential
  • the development of imagination and creativity



All furniture and fittings are appropriate for the child in terms of: size, safety, appeal, durability, and cleanliness.  Creative activities throughout free-play time.

It is the process and not the product that counts.

Various different areas…creative room, cognitive or quiet area, fantasy area, interest tables, the positioning of nature.

Outdoor area:

We cater for…

  • climbing and clambering
  • free running
  • swinging and hanging
  • cycling/scooters (cycle track)
  • sand play
  • water play
  • senso-pathic play in trays or troughs
  • fantasy opportunities
  • ball play


Differentiation and Individualization

Differentiation is apparent in the teaching aids used for different age groups. These include:

  • the story illustrations
  • instruments and apparatus used in music rings and movement rings
  • charts used in different classes
  • the use of photographs, symbols and written names to distinguish children.


-is ensured when…

  • children are treated as individuals at all times
  • children are given their own personally-marked locker, towel, display space on wall or table
  • teachers take time to interact meaningfully with individuals during free play
  • teachers take time to get to know all they can about the background of each child